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This means the total English LearnersAvg.)Systemwide Needs Assessment Summary SheetXTally the scores under the appropriate columns. (e.g., If 5 teachers mark the item Appropriate instructional time3.0 Instructional Leadership2.0 Instructional Time-1.0 Standards-Aligned Instructional MaterialsSystemwide approach to Math74.0 Teacher Qualifications and Professional DevelopmentTeacher Qualifications-5.0 Student Achievement and Monitoring System16.0 Instructional Assistance and Teacher Support"Real-world" applicationEL have equal opportunityAdopted materials for EL Extends learning for advanced7.0 Teacher CollaborationIscore as 15 . Five people times three, the number on the box, equals 15.]Next find the average score per section by dividing the total score by the number of items. 2 = Just Beginning 1 = Not Yet Process 3 = IndRank the items using the average score. Lowest ranking item identifies the school's strongest need. Implemented 4 =Totala.c.d.e.f.Flexible groupingsStudent expectationsTime for CollaborationTraining in CollaborationProfessional DevelopmentIdentifies sub-groupsKnowledge of StandardsTeacher Standards knowledgeResearched-based practicesOrganization of instructionStudent group managementStudents/active participantsAll students will learnApplied math in communityUse of instructional coachesEffective use of paraeducatorsMeets differing student needsOrganized/parents can helpBudget prioritiesAllocation of resourcesRank9Give the survey to all teachers and/or committee members.?Total the scores for each row in the total column at the right.KeyIntervention materials Directions Grand Total;Add the totals and put the grand total in the box provided.Pacing guide adjustmentsCategorical fundsPurchasing processStandards-aligned materials9.0 Fiscal SupportUninterrupted instructionProfessional developmentTeacher assignmentsAdditional instructional timeExtended learning timeHighly qualified teachers+8.0 Instructional Groupings and SchedulingStandards-aligned curriculumParaeducators/NCLBTeacher professional dev.Data driven groupingsUse pacing guidesb.g.Analyze data/instructionMaterials focus on StandardsMaterials/depth of coverageh.i.j.Materials/logical organizationMaterials//balanced programStudents explain thinkingAccommodate diversityEnrollment in HS coursesUninterrupted learning timeStudents/special learning needsk.Knowledge of math StandardsPersonal responsibilityGoals for school/grade levelsMaster scheduleScheduling/grouping studentsParent involvement Parent inputTeam involved in PD planningEnhances math proficiencyLong term trainingsEngages teachers Administration supportAligned with instructionBalance emphasized in instruct.Designed for specific purposeDetermines student progressUsed to improve instruction Curriculum .Classroom Instruction and Management PracticesAdditional InstructionDifferentiated InstructionXa "3", then put the number 5 in that column signifying that 5 teachers marked that box.)r .'QJ-&  UN    , hiS_@gocanͬ_Ppv7Hptnn8ǹkAԿnS$u`LH%H0J H0pHnhW0WпHPJpPj0pHnhWpnhWd0Wtp{dOKn8MkAԿL3H IJnnj0S\n nߔn&nhnp3\7`j0lHj00n0,Rh|c[3\},;@$3HkAԿ0nPM| Hkw$BB0j0nn8SDkAԿ3H'kApO0 WKNIH` ZpHj0KNHJHnKn8MkAԿL3HNIJ~|j0 - 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